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Final project reflection

--------------------------------------> When I'm creating something, I don't usually think or plan ahead too much. For this project, I went through a lot of rethinking, and I was trying things out in Photoshop, until eventually it clicked in my mind, and I had a solid foundation for what I was doing. The tutorial I used and the fractal idea was just a loose outline for what actually happened. I'm happy with the final outcome, and I think if I tried again and did something similar the things I learned from this project would help me. I think getting comfortable in Photoshop again took away a bunch of time from it, and with more time I could probably get something more refined. I've learned and gotten better at a lot of things while going through this project. I've learned the usefulness of keyboard shortcuts (even if I already knew how to use them) and a lot about changing the properties of an object, and I've gotten more confident that I'...
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Best Poster Design

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Design Project: Final Images

Variation 1 Variation 2

Fractal-Turned-Pattern Progress

January 18th -More adjustments -More pink, all turquoise gone January 17th -Changed green colour -Added more colour and touched up swirls January 16th/17th -Added more swirls and colours, adjusted sizes January 11th/12th/15th -Added more swirl shapes using ctrl-shift-t -Started adding colours (image-adjustments-hue and saturation) January 10th -Copied shape 3 times, put a shape in each corner (flipped using edit-transform-flip vertically/horizontally) -Started brainstorming what pattern to do January 9th -Copied merged 4 circle shape once (ctrl-shift-t) -Resized copy slightly smaller and on more of a angle (tilt more for closed swirl, less for open swirl) -Used ctrl-shift-alt-t shortcut multiple (40 or more) times to create a swirl January 8th -Added 3 slightly smaller circles tilted on an angle to original circle (used "ctrl shift t" keyboard shortcut, resized circles and placed...

TED talk-Rory Sutherland

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Design Project- Brainstorming and Planning UPDATED

Inspirational Images (Fractals): Proposal: Use photoshop to make a fractal-like patterned image, but also use symmetry and colour. I was inspired by designer John Maeda, a few of his designs in particular: Planning: Simulating a "fractal" in Photoshop: Tutorial: (Rating: 6.5/10, because it is slightly outdated) *Taking it my own direction, using tutorial as a loose guide -Other tutorials existed, but were very confusing and didn't appear helpful Difficulty for me: 7/10 (Because I'm not good at this kind of stuff) It isn't a proper fractal technique- that would involve math. (It turned into a pattern, pretty much.) Notes for me: *Background colour: go to create new fill or adjustment layer in layer menu bottom center First circle: Layer-layer style to get to options for circle  -Gradient overlay: half and half...

John Maeda-5x5 chosen designer

John Maeda                              ~(Marina) -John Maeda is an American executive, technologist, and graphic designer. -Born and raised in Seattle, he later enrolled in The Institute of Technology in Massachusetts to study computer science and electrical engineering, receiving master degrees in both. -Maeda moved to Japan and attended the University of Tsukuba Institute for art and design classes and earned a Doctor of Philosophy in Design Science. -Founded the Aesthetics and Computation Group (ACG) which united a variety of design-based interests. -His work is influenced by fellow designers Paul Rand and Muriel Cooper, and seeks to unite design and technology .