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Design Project- Brainstorming and Planning UPDATED

Inspirational Images (Fractals):

Proposal: Use photoshop to make a fractal-like patterned image, but also use symmetry and colour.
I was inspired by designer John Maeda, a few of his designs in particular:


Simulating a "fractal" in Photoshop:
(Rating: 6.5/10, because it is slightly outdated)
*Taking it my own direction, using tutorial as a loose guide

-Other tutorials existed, but were very confusing and didn't appear helpful

Difficulty for me: 7/10 (Because I'm not good at this kind of stuff)

It isn't a proper fractal technique- that would involve math. (It turned into a pattern, pretty much.)

Notes for me:

*Background colour: go to create new fill or adjustment layer in layer menu bottom center

First circle: Layer-layer style to get to options for circle
 -Gradient overlay: half and half option (redgreen)

To merge layers: make all layers you want merged visible and others not, right click on one, merge visible

To adjust colour of object: Image menu, adjustments, hue/saturation

To send to back/bring to front: Image menu, arrange

To flip an object: Edit, transform

Colours used: (hue and saturation from original teal colour, 6adec4)

Blue: +34

(add saturation +46)
