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Fractal-Turned-Pattern Progress

January 18th
-More adjustments

-More pink, all turquoise gone

January 17th
-Changed green colour

-Added more colour and touched up swirls
January 16th/17th
-Added more swirls and colours, adjusted sizes

January 11th/12th/15th
-Added more swirl shapes using ctrl-shift-t
-Started adding colours (image-adjustments-hue and saturation)
January 10th
-Copied shape 3 times, put a shape in each corner (flipped using edit-transform-flip vertically/horizontally)
-Started brainstorming what pattern to do
January 9th
-Copied merged 4 circle shape once (ctrl-shift-t)
-Resized copy slightly smaller and on more of a angle (tilt more for closed swirl, less for open swirl)
-Used ctrl-shift-alt-t shortcut multiple (40 or more) times to create a swirl
January 8th
-Added 3 slightly smaller circles tilted on an angle to original circle (used "ctrl shift t" keyboard shortcut, resized circles and placed them at an angle)
-Merged 4 circle shape (making shape only thing visible and right click on one of the layers, merge visible)

Before winter break
-Created Ellipse, coloured same as but darker than background
For next steps went into layer-layer style:
-Added slight drop shadow (50% at 120 degrees)
-Added bevel and emboss (inner bevel 100% depth, size 7px and soften 12 px; shading angle 120 degrees, altitude 30 degrees, both opacity 75%)
-Added contour and texture (crinkle texture, 207% and +18%)

-Added gradient overlay (full opacity, 4th gradient option, from darker version of colour to lighter, 113 degrees)


  1. Marina-I like how I can see basically what you are doing, but could you please post your step-by -step process.


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