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TED talk-Rory Sutherland

10 things:

-Rather than changing reality, you can change people's perception in order to solve problems.

-The placebo effect happens when you believe something, such as medicine, is helping you, when it really isn't. Because you're deceived into thinking it works, it has the same/similar effect as actually receiving the thing that is meant to help you.

-The train problem: saving money and making the experience on the train ride better, rather than spending more money and getting a completely new track system to make the journey faster.

-Relative prices (Orange juice scam, more expensive price written in English, cheaper in Spanish, for the same item).

-"...All value is subjective... persuasion is often better than compulsion."

-"In Italy, penalty points (for speeding) go backwards. You start with 12 and they take them away. Because they found that loss aversion is a more powerful influence on people's behavior."

-Symbolic value over actual value of items (cast iron jewelry in 19th century, denim today)

-Savings opposing consumerism, impulse buying never having the counterpart of impulse saving (red button for saving in home example, how that would effect spending).

-Opportunities to make changes to human behavior and decision making: Shreddies ad campaign, 'new Diamond Shreddies,' intangible added value without changing product.

-"...There is no correlation between quality and enjoyment in wine, except when you tell the people how expensive it is, in which case they tend to enjoy the more expensive stuff more."


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