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Showing posts from November, 2017

Poster- Modular System

Poster- Bilateral System

Poster- Grid System

Self Reflection and Evaluation

1. I have learned: -how to use Photoshop, InDesign and Illustrator on a basic level -how to better navigate shortcuts on a computer -how to put my creative ideas into a design 2. I've struggled a little bit with the learning curve, since I'm comfortable around computers but this is my first time using the adobe design programs. There are a lot of assignments and sometimes it's hard to keep up in the class, but I do my best. 3. I'm proud of some of the work where I've been able to execute exactly what I want to do properly, with some of the designs I've had trouble translating my ideas into the design programs. I am most proud of my business cards. My greatest strength is always having ideas for what to do, I also pick up new concepts quickly, as soon as I feel confident with them. 4. One goal I have is to become moderately comfortable in all the programs, I know a few things very well, but a lot of other things, not so much. I would like to learn more a...

Poster- Transitional system

Poster- Dilational System

Helvetica Questions

Name 10 places where you see Helvetica in the movie. How would you describe Helvetica? Life as a designer… Massimo compares typography to music. What is the distinction of both. What can Helvetica be used for? What does it communicate? Helvetica is called a rational type-face- why? What is typography? List some [3-5] negative points about Helvetica as commented in the film. 1.  Taxi numbers Magazines Subway signs American Airlines Greyhound Target Tupperware Tax forms Urban Outfitters American Apparel 2.  -Clear -Straightforward -Friendly/Familiar -Casual or formal feeling -Basic -Orderly 3. ...Means "fighting the ugly" in the world ...Is finding yourself in your work and designs ...Is bringing your ideas to life ...Is not for everyone 4.       Music engages your sense of hearing while design is heavily focused in visual aspects. 5.  -Helvetica is one of the most widely used and accepted fonts -It...

Business Cards and Principles of Design

Repitition Rhythm Proportion Pattern Harmony/Unity Movement Emphasis                                                                                Balance