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Self Reflection and Evaluation

1. I have learned:
-how to use Photoshop, InDesign and Illustrator on a basic level
-how to better navigate shortcuts on a computer
-how to put my creative ideas into a design

2. I've struggled a little bit with the learning curve, since I'm comfortable around computers but this is my first time using the adobe design programs. There are a lot of assignments and sometimes it's hard to keep up in the class, but I do my best.

3. I'm proud of some of the work where I've been able to execute exactly what I want to do properly, with some of the designs I've had trouble translating my ideas into the design programs. I am most proud of my business cards. My greatest strength is always having ideas for what to do, I also pick up new concepts quickly, as soon as I feel confident with them.

4. One goal I have is to become moderately comfortable in all the programs, I know a few things very well, but a lot of other things, not so much. I would like to learn more about the Photoshop and Illustrator tools.

5. I'm missing a few assignments but I'm coming in when I can to work on things (poster designs, best poster, etc.) I think I would deserve a low B, based on the fact that maybe my designs aren't exactly the best but it's my first time using these programs.

6. I have a lot to improve on generally (basically everything), I think being more proactive with asking questions when I don't understand something would help me a lot.


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