- Name 10 places where you see Helvetica in the movie.
- How would you describe Helvetica?
- Life as a designer…
- Massimo compares typography to music. What is the distinction of both.
- What can Helvetica be used for? What does it communicate?
- Helvetica is called a rational type-face- why?
- What is typography?
- List some [3-5] negative points about Helvetica as commented in the film.
- Taxi numbers
- Magazines
- Subway signs
- American Airlines
- Greyhound
- Target
- Tupperware
- Tax forms
- Urban Outfitters
- American Apparel
-Casual or formal feeling
...Means "fighting the ugly" in the world...Is finding yourself in your work and designs
...Is bringing your ideas to life
...Is not for everyone
Music engages your sense of hearing while design is heavily focused in visual aspects.
-Helvetica is one of the most widely used and accepted fonts
-It can be used for almost anything, being most effective in advertisements, company logos, and road/subway signs
Music engages your sense of hearing while design is heavily focused in visual aspects.
-Helvetica is one of the most widely used and accepted fonts
-It can be used for almost anything, being most effective in advertisements, company logos, and road/subway signs
-Conveys a clear, simple, and bold meaning
Rational typefaces are a group of type that focus in on simplicity and clarity. It is also a modern family of typefaces. Helvetica fits into this category for all of these reasons, and is one of the most popular fonts included.
Typography is defined as the style and appearance of printed matter, and the art or procedure of arranging type or processing data and printing from it. There are so many different ways that print can be interpreted, which makes this definition very loose.
-Helvetica is overly simplistic to the point of being boring
-It is too tightly spaced
-It has a lack of contrast and rhythm
-It is frequently used ignorantly in settings without context
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